A Friend to the Feminine: Egyptian Geranium Essential Oil

A Friend to the Feminine: Egyptian Geranium Essential Oil

Hope Johnson
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Created from high-quality blossoms, our Egyptian Geranium Essential Oil is a true ally to the feminine. With hormone balancing and PMS relieving qualities, Egyptian Geranium is a wonderful tool for women and for men who are those in bringing out the feminine qualities within.

Breathe in the sweet, floral aroma and enjoy the rich benefits that this high-frequency plant medicine has to offer!

Geranium Essential Oil - Egypt (Pelargonium Graveolens)

Geranium Essential Oil - Egypt (Pelargonium Graveolens)


  Botanical Name: Pelargonium Graveolens Plant Part: Leaves Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: Egypt Color/Consistency: Pale Yellow Color With Thin Consistency Aroma: Floral, Rich, Sweet, and Slightly Fruity Perfumery Note: Middle Main Chemical Components: Citronellol (33.07%), Geraniol… read more

The botanical name for this species of Geranium is Pelargonium Graveolens. There are over 200 species of geranium and Pelargonium Graveolens is known to produce the highest quality and most therapeutic grade of all the geranium essential oils. It is made from the leaves of the plant and extracted through steam distillation, which results in a highly powerful oil with a thin consistency and pale yellow color. 

As a natural ally to women, your monthly cycle can benefit from Egyptian Geranium Essential Oil. This therapeutic remedy is commonly used as a potent pain reliever for issues caused by PMS and menopause, such as menstrual cramps and muscle aches. If you are looking for a natural approach to relieving these symptoms, Geranium essential oil is your go-to aromatherapy treatment. 

Geranium Essential Oil is also a wonderful choice for those with acne-prone, oily skin as well. This is due to its ability to reduce the production of sebum, thus fending off bacteria that cause acne and other issues caused by excessive oil production. This oily ally may help create more balanced skin with a supple, refreshed appearance. 

If you are looking for a hormone balancer, Geranium Essential Oil may additionally provide your body with a hormone regulating treatment. It is believed to stabilize both male and female sex hormone secretion and regulate the release of adrenal hormones. 

The divine feminine in all of us, men and women,  can be honored and invoked through the power of  Geranium Essential Oil. The inner feminine encompasses qualities such as empathy, compassion, creativity, softness, vulnerability, intuition, and nurturing. One can have greater access to their highest self by setting intention when using this gentle oil. 

These recipes are sure to provide great relief while allowing you to enjoy the full benefits of Egyptian Geranium Essential Oil!

PMS Pain Relief Blend

Use this natural blend to relieve your body of PMS pain and massage the cramps away.

Massage onto the abdomen during menstrual cramps or other painful areas caused by PMS symptoms. 

Oily Skin Serum

Reduce sebum production in acne prone skin to minimize pores and treat pimples. 

Apply onto oily problem areas in the skin once a day before bed. 

Feminine Energy Activation Diffusion

Invoke your divine feminine and embrace the creative, compassionate, and intuitive qualities within you. 

Make this oily ally a part of your journey as you balance and embrace your feminine energies and support it with the healing nature of Egyptian Geranium Essential Oil!

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