Essential Oils for the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)

Essential Oils for the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)

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The third spiraling energy center in our being is the Solar Plexus Chakra. The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Manipura, which means, lustrous gem. The solar plexus chakra relates to our personal fire connecting and relating with the world around us. The third chakra is our power center that produces the fire in the belly, the magnetic core of personality and ego.

Fire - 3rd Chakra Essential Oil Blend for the Balancing the Energy at the Solar Plexus

Fire - 3rd Chakra Essential Oil Blend for the Balancing the Energy at the Solar Plexus


Solar Plexus Chakra Essential Oil Blend consisting of: Spikenard Essential Oil (Nardostachys Jatamansi) Helps release fear of the unknown and encourages resolution Immortelle (Helichrysum Italicum) Helps dissolve energy blockages so that experience can be properly digested and integrated, help to balance… read more


The third chakra is located in the area of the solar plexus, which sits between the naval and digestive system. This energy flows through vital organs, such as the liver and gallbladder.

When there is an imbalance in the third chakra, one will most likely experience digestive disorders and/or eating disorders. The solar plexus senses include sight and cognitive thinking, which is why the phrase gut feeling came about.


The Solar Plexus Chakra regulates the feelings of self esteem, self respect, self discipline, ambition, and courage. When the solar plexus chakra becomes imbalanced, fears of rejection, criticism, obesity, and aging begin to kick in.

A healthy amount of self esteem as well as our intuitive voice are developed in a well balanced solar plexus. Our intuitive voice provides guidance throughout life, and will be as strong as the solar plexus is balanced. This chakra also holds our intuition and independence, which allows us to take risks and flow with gut feelings.

As we evolve into the feelings of self-empowerment, we must first shed the fears that block us from the realization of pure living beauty!

*Fire Essential Oil is an alchemical blend of pure essential oils for Balancing the Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra.

More essential oils for healing related to this Chakra are as follows:

Emotional Balancing:

Digestive System Balancing:

Cleansing Liver and Galbladder:

Release Nervous Tension and Anxiety:

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