Fine French Lavender essential oil is considered to be the most therapeutic varieties of Lavender. This variety of lavender is also known as "high altitude" lavender because it grows at the highest elevations. Its divinely fragrant, calming aroma can help sooth all kinds of physical, mental, and spiritual disorders.
This particular variety of lavender hails from one of New Zealand's largest lavender farms and is regarded as a very high high quality and low-allergen oil.
New Zealand Lavender essential oil has a balanced, soft, smooth and long-lasting aroma. This particular lavender is especially unique because of its low percentage of linalool, which hovers around 13-14%.
Its mildness and low irritant composition makes it very helpful for individuals experiencing skin sensitivity while still wanting to reap the many therapeutic benefits of lavender essential oil.
Lavender (Fine French - High Altitude) Essential Oil (Lavandula Angustifolia)

Botanical Name: Lavandula Angustifolia Plant Part: Flowering Tops Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: France Color/Consistency: Colorless or Pale Yellow Thin Consistency Aroma: Floral, Crisp, Sweet, Herbaceous, Gentle, Balsalmic Undertones Perfumery Note: Middle Main Chemical Components: Linalyl acetate (34.51%),… read more
Here are a few benefits of New Zealand Lavender essential oil:
- The anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties of lavender essential oils, make it useful to dispel intestinal gas.
- It can be very healing to damaged skin and is great to apply to scars and burns to promote recovery.
- It's considered anti-fungal and it's regarded as very effective against candida and athletes foot.
- It can also be used as a muscle relaxant and is also beneficial in helping relieve insomnia. (To help promote a good night sleep pour a few drops of our Pure Lavender Essential Oil on your pillow and rub a few drops on your temples to promote relaxation and sweet dreams.)
- It's wonderful to use in a massage oil as it is both calming but gently stimulating and feels great on sore muscles.
- Lavender essential oil is known as a great balancer and opener of the heart and crown chakras. It's used to calm emotions, and for encouraging our mind to release anxiety and open to more joy.