Although often times overlooked, due to its commonness in most households, Lemon Essential Oil is actually one of the most beneficial aroma-therapeutic oils! Lemon essential oil has been used for many years for to assist with mental and emotional health. Studies have shown that the vapor from lemon essential oil balances the Dopamine and Serotonin neurotransmitter systems, thus causing anti-stress and anti-anxiety effects!
Lemon essential oil is often regarded as the rational oil, due to its concentration effects on the mind. The oil has been proven to assist people working in an office setting to work much more efficiently. Lemon is also very clarifying, increases awareness, and assists one in the decision making process. Lemon essential oil is associated with the color yellow and the Solar Plexus Chakra, as it is uplifting, energizing, supports digestion, and cleanses the liver and gallbladder. Use Lemon Essential Oil daily to increase concentration, purify a room, sacred place, and the body, and banish negative energies!
Lemon Essential Oil - Organic (Citrus Limonum)

Botanical Name: Citrus Limonum Plant Part: Lemon Peels Method of Extraction: Cold Pressed Country of Origin: Argentina Color/Consistency: Light Yellow Color with Thin Consistency Aroma: Clean, Citrusy, Sugary, Slightly Sour Perfumery Note: Top Main Chemical Components: Limonene (71.89%), y-Terpenine (8.48%),… read more
Emotions: Lemon essential oil is a very powerful helper for alleviating stress and stress related dis-eases. The oil is extremely clearing, uplifting, and refreshing, promoting the removal of any mental exhaustion and fatigue, anxiety, depression, and nervous tension. The aroma of Lemon stimulates concentration and awareness and can be a big help with exams and daily office work! Lemon can also help to calm and center ones mind and mental chatter when going to sleep, thus aiding one with insomnia.
Skincare: Lemon essential oil is powerful skin detoxifier and astringent. This allows the oil to effectively rejuvenate dull and/or wrinkly skin types and increase the skins luster and suppleness. The oil is anti-bacterial and anti-septic, allowing for the treatment of acne and other facial disorders revolving excess bacteria on the skin. The oil is also recommended for oily skin, as it will help to balance this skin type.
Caution: Be sure to dilute Lemon essential oil properly and do not expose skin or hair to heavy sunlight after lemon essential oil application, as it may cause lightening and/or sensitivity
Physical: Lemon essential oil is regarded as a powerful tonic for the immune system, as it’s known for stimulating white blood cells. The oil is also known to stimulate circulation and digestion. Lemon is a carminative and can be used as a remedy for many stomach issues, such as indigestion, cramps, and acidity. Lemon Essential Oil has been proven in a study to reduce symptoms from Scopolamine toxicity. Scopolamine is a tropane alkaloid drug derived from plants and commonly used in the mainstream medical field. The drug can cause dementia and loss of memory, however, lemon was shown to help prevent such effects.
Spiritual: Lemon essential oil promotes ultimate and spiritual health and well-being. The oil promotes love with its uplifting effects. Lemon is also used to purify the mind, body, spirit, and the space used for spiritual practice. The oil also helps to balance the chakras and increase ones awareness! The oil greatly helps to open the heart to love and promotes the removal of any patterns, allowing for clear thought and hopefulness in ones life and experiences!
- Botanical Name: Citrus Limonum
- Botanical Family: Rutaceae
- Derived From: Peels of the Lemon Fruit
- Origin: Italy
- Method of Extraction: Cold Pressed from the Fruit Peels
- Aroma: Citrus, Fresh, Tart
- Physical Description: Thin Consistency Liquid with Light Yellow Color
Chakras Affected:
Second Chakra: Sacral The Sacral Chakra connects the body’s water with the urinary system. Lemon essential oil encourages proper flow of the urinary system, allowing for free flow of this chakras energy. It is vital to have a healthy and balanced eliminatory tract in order to release negativity and blockages which inhibit creativity!
Third Chakra: Solar Plexus The oil greatly helps to balance the Solar Plexus by affecting this chakras energy on a physical plane. The oil strengthens and stimulates the digestive tract, which is the main center of self-esteem and self-confidence. Lemon also cleanses the liver and gallbladder, allowing for proper functioning of these vital systems. When the stomach systems are functioning at their full potential, ones emotions and self-confidence is raised!
Fourth Chakra: Heart Lemon helps to open the heart center to love! The oil is extremely cleansing and purifying to ones mind, body, and spirit! This cleansing and purifying effect allows for opening of the heart chakra and releasing of any patterns one has accumulated that may be associated with the heart!
Fifth Chakra: Throat Lemon essential oil can aid in the fifth chakra by healing the gums and teeth. When the mouth is in an unhealthy condition, one may lack the ability to speak up for oneself. Lemon essential oil can be diluted to 10% in carrier oil and used on any affected area of the mouth where symptoms occur, allowing one to have the confidence to speak their truth daily!
Sixth Chakra: Third Eye Lemon essential oil can assist the Third Eye chakra by healing any eye issues and sinus illnesses. Any of these physical dis-eases can greatly inhibit the opening and balancing of the third eye! The oil may be placed in steaming water and inhaled deeply as a remedy for these issues.
Seventh Chakra: Crown The Crown Chakra governs meditation and the quieting of ones mind to allow Divine and healing energies to flow through ones being. Lemon essential oil may be used during meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practice, in order to cleanse and purify ones body and sacred place!
- Physical Color: Yellow, Green
- Oil: Light Yellow
- Etheric: Green, Yellow, Violet, Blue, and Gold