Simple Reiki healing technique you can do with essential oils!
The reason I like to practice Reiki using essential oils is because I feel that the aroma and energy of essential oils helps me to quiet the chatter in my mind and just tune into feeling. Here’s my method for using essential oils for this purpose:
Place 1 drop of essential oil on your heart center, at the center of the breastbone and gently rub it in. Place 1-3 drops of essential oil in the palm of your hands and rub your hands together.
Sit in a comfortable position take 3 deep breaths, letting the shoulders relax and letting the breath and aroma infuse every cell with your willingness to let healing occur. When you feel ready, bring your hands together in prayer pose in front of the heart have your eyes about 1/10 open with your gaze focused about 3 feet in front of you.
Keeping your breath long and light, place your attention at each of the following energy centers consecutively until you feel energy there, then move your awareness to the next location. Keeping your eyes 1/10 open and gazing at a place about 3 feet in front of you, bring your awareness to the crown of the head until you feel energy there then move your awareness at the third eye and feel the energy then move your awareness to the throat then to the heart then the palms of the hands.
At this point you may place your hands over the heart chakra at the center of the sternum and feel how the energy flows easily through all of these chakras. When you're ready, bring your hands back into prayer pose, and go consciously enjoy your day. Aloha!!
For this Reiki technique with essential oils, here are some essential oils I recommend: Himalayan Cedarwood, Bulgarian Rose Otto, Vetiver, Forgiving, and Sandalwood.
Cedarwood (Himalayan) Essential Oil - Organic (Cedrus Deodora)

Botanical Name: Cedrus Deodora Plant Part: Wood Chips Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: India (Himalayan Mountains) Color/Consistency: Golden Yellow with Medium Consistency Aroma: Woody, Dry, Warm, and Balsamic Perfumery Note: Base Main Chemical Components: beta-Himachalene (35.91%), alpha-Himachalene… read more
Rose (Bulgarian) Essential Oil - Rose Otto (Rosa Damascena)

Botanical Name: Rosa Damascena Plant Part: Bulgarian Rose Blossoms Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: Kazanlak Bulgaria (Valley of Roses) Color/Consistency: Pale Straw Color with Thin Consistency Aroma: Fresh, Floral, Deep, Sweet, and Mildly Spicy Perfumery Note: Middle Main Chemical Components: Citronellol… read more
Vetiver Essential Oil - Organic - India (Chrysopogen Zizanioides)

Botanical Name: Chrysopogen Zizanioides Plant Part: Roots Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: India Color/Consistency: Deep Orange Color with Thick Consistency Aroma: Sweet, Heavy, Earthy, and Woody Perfumery Note: Base Main Chemical Components: Khusimol (12.8%), (E)-Isovalencenol (6.53%), beta-vetivene… read more
Forgiving Essential Oil Blend - 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend - Inspired by Wisdom Dialogues

Pure Essential Oil Blend for Forgiving Guilty Perceptions 100% Pure Cape Chamomile, Hawaiian Sandalwood and Somalian Myrrh Also Available as a Body Oil … read more
Sandalwood Hawaiian Essential Oil (Iliahi) - Organic (Santalum Paniculatum)

Botanical Name: Santalum Paniculatum Common Name: Hawaiian Sandalwood, 'Iliahi Plant Part: Heartwood Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: Hawaii, USA Color/Consistency: Clear Yellow-Gold Color with Thin-Medium Consistency Aroma: Warm, Sweet, Rich, and Woodsy Perfumery Note: Base Main Chemical Components: Cis- alpha… read more