Comparison of Helichrysums

Comparison of Helichrysums

Hope Johnson
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There are several varieties of the popular helichrysum essential oil, and I often get questions about which one to choose for specific conditions. I decided to write this comparison of Helichrysums to help you out in case you are interested in helichrysum and you want to choose a variety that’s right for you.

A bit of background: helichrysum is a family of small daisy-like flowers, found around the Mediterranean, in Africa, and in western Asia. Varieties of helichrysum have been used for millennia for medicinal purposes, particularly to help with wound healing. 

Today, helichrysum is famous for its unusual and strong aroma, its wound-healing properties, and its many uses in skin care (particularly anti-aging).

While the different varieties of helichrysum share much in common, each variety has its own aroma and chemical makeup. The resulting essential oils contain different therapeutic compounds and might be useful for different health uses. Here's a breakdown of the Helichrysum varieties we offer.

Comparison of Helichrysums

Helichrysum Italicum:

Helichrysum Italicum essential oil from Corsica is the most popular of the Helichrysum varieties. Helichrysum Italicum grows all around the Mediterranean. It has a strong scent, reminiscent of hay mixed with honey, or alternately caramelized sugar and ham (yes, you read that right).

We have two varieties of Helichrysum Italicum essential oils, one that’s grown in Corsica and another that’s grown in France. Both varieties are also known as Immortelle and Everlasting

The Helichrysum Italicum varieties we carry contain a very high level (30% or more) of neryl acetate, a compound originally discovered in neroli essential oil

Neryl acetate is one of the main skin-benefitting compounds in Helichrysum Italicum, and it’s responsible for the skin cell regeneration and anti-aging properties that helichrysum is famous for. 

Helichrysum Italicum is also well known for its significant pain-relieving and wound-healing benefits, both for the body and for the psyche.

Helichrysum Italicum (Corsican) Essential Oil - Organic (Helichrysum Italicum G. Don)

Helichrysum Italicum (Corsican) Essential Oil - Organic (Helichrysum Italicum G. Don)


Botanical Name: Helichrysum Italicum G. Don  Plant Part: Flowering Tops Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: Corsica Color/Consistency: Dark Amber Color with Water-thin Consistency Aroma: Amber, Honey, Hay -like Perfumery Note: Base Main Chemical Components: Neryl Acetate (38.84%), Italidones (11.93%), Limonene (5.36%), Neryl Propionate (5.11%) … read more

The Difference between Corsican and French Helichrysum Italicum:

Helichrysum Italicum from Corsica is known as best known for its therapeutic value in healing and regenerating the skin. The Corsican variety has a higher concentration of Neryl Acetate and Italidones than the French variety.

Although our French Italicum is still considered to have a Neryl Acetate concentration that's well within the desired range, our Helichrysum from Corsica has a concentration of Neryl Acetate of around 20% more than the French variety

Likewise, our Corsican Helichrysum Italicum contains about double the concentration of Italidones compared to the French variety. Italidones are a di-ketone that is recognized for its ability to regenerate skin tissue by promoting cellular turnover, thus making the Corsican Helichrysum Italicum possibly a better option for skin care.

Our French Helichrysum Italicum essential oil contains about double the amount of gamma-curcumenes, a well-known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. While our Corsican variety contains gamma-curcumenes in the desired range, the concentration of this sesquiterpene is significantly higher in our French variety.

Being higher in gamma-curcumenes, our French Helichrysum Italicum may be the better option for inflammatory issues such as pain, metabolic conditions, kidney healing, and as an aid in meditation, and it may amplify more of the spiritual benefits in general because it's calming and centering for the mind. 

Helichrysum Italicum Essential Oil - Organic - France (Helichrysum Italicum G. Don)

Helichrysum Italicum Essential Oil - Organic - France (Helichrysum Italicum G. Don)


Botanical Name: Helichrysum Italicum G. Don Plant Part: Helichrysum Flowers Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: France Color/Consistency: Nude-Straw Color with Thin Consistency Main Chemical Components: Neryl Acetate (33.89%), gamma-Curcumene (9.21%), Italidiones I/II/III (5.98%), Neryl Propionate (5.09%), Nerol (4.33%), Limonene (4.14%) … read more

If you ask me, I prefer the Corsican variety for the texture, color, and aroma. I also opt for that one in my Super-Custom Anti-Aging Blend whenever I have access to it. The French variety is also very appealing to me, but I gravitate toward the Corsican variety more often. 

We carry the two options because Helichrysum Italicum from Corsica is rare and more expensive, and at times it has been unavailable. Also, for our aromatherapist clientele, we like to provide options with different chemical constituents to be used for different applications.

Helichrysum Gymnocephalum:

Helichrysum Gymnocephalum essential oil is an entirely different species of Helichrysum that grows in Madagascar. It has a fresh, clean, and camphorous aroma. Locally, its used for its aphrodisiac, stimulant, and antiseptic properties, which are all inherited by the essential oil.

The essential oil of Helichrysum Gymnocephalum has a very high concentration of 1,8 cineole, also known as eucalyptol, one of the main components of eucalyptus essential oil. As a consequence, the benefits of Helichrysum Gymnocephalum essential oil are similar to eucalyptus essential oil. It's often used as a remedy for bronchitis, clearing congestion, and healing the respiratory system

In addition, this oil is anti-inflammatory, it can help reduce pain, and it's used to help relieve many kinds of infections. Unlike the Italicum varieties, which tend to be calming, our Helichrysum Gymnocephalum essential oil is stimulating and energizing.

Helichrysum Gymnocephalum Essential Oil - Organic (Helichrysum Gymnocephalum)

Helichrysum Gymnocephalum Essential Oil - Organic (Helichrysum Gymnocephalum)


  Botanical Name: Helichrysum Gymnocephalum Plant Part: Flowers Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: Madagascar Color/Consistency: Clear with Yellow Tinge and Thin Consistency Aroma: Fresh, Clean, and Camphorous Perfumery Note: Middle Main Chemical Components: 1,8-Cineole (65.96%), alpha-Pinene (3.64%),… read more

Helichrysum Splendidum:

Helichrysum Splendidum Essential Oil, also known as Peta Essential Oil, comes from a rare and exotic variety of Helichrysum that grows in South Africa. Like the Gymnocephalum variety, Helichrysum Splendidum is also rich in 1,8-cineole (also known as eucalyptol). 

The benefits of Helichrysum Splendidum essential oil are mostly unknown in the United States. In aromatherapy, it's particularly useful to help with respiratory problems such as allergies, and it is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic properties.

Some of our customers use this one for pain, and they say it's better than any medication, and provides the same pain benefits as the Italicum variety for a much more economical price.

Helichrysum Splendidum Essential Oil - Organic (Helichrysum Splendidum)

Helichrysum Splendidum Essential Oil - Organic (Helichrysum Splendidum)


Botanical Name: Helichrysum Splendidum Plant Part: Flowers Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: South Africa Color/Consistency: Pale Yellow Color With Thin Consistency Aroma: Fresh, Herbaceous, Slightly Balsamic Perfumery Note: Middle … read more

Helichrysum Petiolare:

Helichrysum Petiolare, also known as silver-bush everlasting flower or the licorice-plant, is a rare and exotic variety of Helichrysum that's native to South Africa. Like other varieties of Helichrysum, Helichrysum Petiolare has small daisy-like flowers, which have been used for millennia for medicinal purposes. 

The benefits of Helichrysum Petiolare are largely undiscovered. Helichrysum Petiolare is a relatively new essential oil, but it has already attracted a lot of attention due to its antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties, its applications in anti-aging skincare, and in perfumery due to its unusual and strong aroma.

Helichrysum Petiolare Essential Oil - Organic - 'Silver Everlasting' (Helichrysum Petiolare)

Helichrysum Petiolare Essential Oil - Organic - 'Silver Everlasting' (Helichrysum Petiolare)


Botanical Name: Helichrysum Petiolare Plant Part: Flowers Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled Country of Origin: South Africa Color/Consistency: Pale Yellow Color With Thin Consistency Aroma: Herbaceous, Musky, Slightly Balsamic Perfumery Note: Middle Main Chemical Components: cis-Ocimene (36.1%), Guaiol (18.59%), beta-Pinene… read more

Combining the Varieties

Many of our customers have reported great results for tinnitis and other nerve related issues from combining both varieties of Helichrysum Italicum and Gymnocephalum. For tinnitis, people have put a few drops of each variety on a cotton ball and put that over the opening to the ear canal.

For other nerve related issues, use the massage method, bath method or diffuse the oils. For more information on how to use essential oil, please see This Page.

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