30 Essential Oils and Natural Formulas for Spring

30 Essential Oils and Natural Formulas for Spring

James Byrne
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It's almost Springtime, when we are naturally inspired toward transformation, rebirth, new ideas, and creative endeavors. What better time to talk about essential oils for spring?

Essential oils are particularly helpful all year long, and there are specific essential oils that we find particularly useful at this time of year.

You may be feeling inspired to refresh your habits and routines, deep clean your space, reorganize and/or declutter.

Perhaps you would like to create a more nourishing, peaceful, or productive space, focus on physical health, beauty, meditation, exercise, or learning something new.

I’ve compiled a list of essential oils, blends, and formulas to help support you in listening to your creative impulses and allowing them to take form. 

Note: If you are new to essential oils, please refer to our guide on How to Use Essential Oils.

Essential Oils to Boost Your Glow, Reduce Inflammation, Clarify and Awaken Your Mind:

Blue Tansy essential oil is well known to help reduce inflammation, and redness. We have seen amazing results when applying Blue Tansy repeatedly to blemishes.

Blue Tansy is a favorite at Miracle Botanicals for cooling, relaxing and harmonizing our energy. Blue Tansy’s anti-histamine properties also make it great to have on hand for those who experience seasonal allergies.

Use Carrot Seed essential oil diluted to 5% to make your skin radiant! Even out skin tone, heal blemishes, promote cell regeneration, and reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Carrot Seed Essential Oil has been used to ground spiritual energy into the physical plane.

Try our cellulite reducing, skin firming Fat Free Body Oil for smooth, dimple-free skin. This is a prediluted oil, so there is no need to dilute it further unless you want to.

The essential oils in this blend were researched by our founder when she was looking for a skin-firming blend that didn’t contain any nasty ingredients.

Fat Free Body Oil is an essential oil formula that has been a favorite of our customers since 2011. In addition to its benefits in cutting the fat, the spicy, citrusy aroma of this body oil is refreshing, calming, and uplifting.

Helichrysum Italicum essential oil is the key ingredient for many skincare products. Regenerate skin cells, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and replenish your skin for a fresh, youthful glow. This renowned essential oil has also earned the title “honey for the psyche” — release emotions from the past and make space for new stories to emerge.

Cape Chamomile essential oil contains one of the highest Ester contents of any essential oil. It is calming, sedative, regulating and rebalancing. Its fruity, floral aroma creates a joyful and relaxing atmosphere that soothes the inner child in all of us.

Use cape chamomile essential oil to steam off the stress of a long day by adding it to a hot bath, or enjoy it in your home diffuser. Cape Chamomile is also great for fussy, frustrated children.

Give your skin some love for clear, even complexion and a youthful glow. Eternal Beauty is a blend of Jasmine, Helichrysum Italicum, Carrot Seed, Cape Chamomile, Calendula, Blue Tansy and Wildcrafted Laurel Leaf Essential Oils Diluted in Watermelon, Pomegranate and Argan Oils  — this combination is hard to beat! Use this expertly-alchemized blend in the morning and at night and watch the magic happen.

The gentle, floral aroma of the Neroli blossom is the perfect botanical to accompany us through periods deep transformation and rebirth. Neroli speaks to us of the caterpillar emerging from its chrysalis as a beautiful butterfly.

As the world shifts and evolves, on both collective and personal levels, the angelic frequency of Neroli can offer us the grace, comfort, and a steady hand.

The intoxicating and luxurious aroma of Jasmine stands out from the rest. Flow into states of deeper intimacy and connection with yourself, your partner, and the higher realms with this plant ally.

Some people experience prophetic dreaming when working with this oil. Try a Blend of Jasmine, Neroli, Vanilla and German Chamomile before sleep! 

Lavender is one of the most researched oils on the market and known to be one of the most versatile in benefits as well — Lavender is the swiss army knife of essential oils! From skincare & hair health to the nervous system, immune system, and respiratory system, Lavender Essential Oil can help to promote a sense of ease and uplift the entire system.

essential oils for spring 

Essential Oils for Creating a Nourishing, Peaceful, Productive Space:

Did you know that being surrounded in clutter can often lead to distress or chaos in the mind? Springtime offers us a season to reset. There can be heightened inspiration to create new healthy habits, deeply cleanse your space, reorganize, and declutter during this season.

Say goodbye to dust bunnies and hello to a refreshing, peaceful and nourishing environment by cleaning with these powerful oils. You can add essential oils to your current cleaning products or make your own formula!

You might try using natural soap, Witch-Hazel, water, and any of the following essential oils for a potently refreshing cleaning formula!

We formulated Disinfect Spray to help clear and clean where ever you are! Use as a disinfectant for surfaces, hands, or body when you are on-the-go. This spray can be helpful in disinfecting and drying out rashes or blemishes, promoting rapid skin-cell regeneration and detoxification.

Premium Protection Spray was alchemized to help clear harmful energies and bacteria, while boosting the body’s natural defenses. Spray in your car, house or bedroom to clean and clear the air. 

Bring balance and flow into your space with Geranium essential oil. This one is especially helpful for keeping the critters away! It’s especially well known for keeping ticks off of dogs.

Uplift and transform your space with Sage essential oil. This botanical can be used to create a blank canvas energetically. Diffuse Sage essential oil for mental stimulation, motivation, and inspiration.

Pink Grapefruit essential oil adds a certain sparkle to any blend or space. Inhale or diffuse this oil to create an environment of satisfaction, joy, and refreshment. This oil is great for blending, and it helps us to slim down by “cut away the fat” in more ways than one.

Lemon Essential Oil is known to be a great for cleaning floors, countertops, and even laundry! We have used Lemon Essential Oil to help eliminate stains, refresh clothing, and promote a refreshing and outgoing space.

Orange essential oil makes a perfect addition to cleaning blends for its uplifting energy. It is known to help keep bugs away and move stagnant energy. We have had great success in adding Orange, Cinnamon and Pine Resin for a cheerful cleaner.

Green Mandarin essential oil is one of our most unique Citrus Essential Oils. Nourish your nervous system and encourage feelings of safety and calm with this plant ally. 

Tea Tree essential oil is well known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties. Tea Tree Essential Oil is definitely a beneficial ingredient to add to your cleaning blend. It is also great to have on hand when a seasonal cold comes around.

The Aroma of Lawson Cypress Essential Oil reminds us of those shiny floor cleaners. Make your house sparkle with this refreshing Pine aroma.

Lemongrass is known to keep flies, mosquitos and critters away. You can even apply a small amount to your pet’s fur to disinterest fleas! Lemongrass has been used in traditional cleaning recipes to refresh the energy and welcome new possibilities.

(Lemongrass is also a common ingredient in thai cuisine, and Lemongrass can be used as a substitute in culinary creations when you don’t have any fresh on hand.)

Citronella is similar to lemongrass. Diffuse on your porch or create your own bug spray by applying Citronella Essential Oil.

Nootka Tree has similar benefits to Tea Tree and makes an incredible alternative for cleaning blends. This oil is also known for supporting the respiratory system. Diffuse in your space to clear the air and breathe easy.

We all love using Cinnamon for its comforting aroma and creative, stimulating energy. Add to diffuser blends, and cleaners for anti-bacterial properties and a stimulating, beautifying aroma.

Cardamom is a sweet, spicy, and exotic aroma that can be added to blends for a stimulating twist. Add into your soaps, cleaners, spritzers, air fresheners and diffusers for its uniquely cheerful and intoxicatingly aroma. 

Pine Resin Turpentine essential oil never lets us down when it comes to cleaning. We wipe down every surface with undiluted Pine Resin Turpentine at Miracle Botanicals, creating a clean, uplifting, fresh space.

The refreshing aroma of Peppermint is a no brainer when it comes to cleaning. Embrace creativity and alertness with this stimulating and cooling essential oil. Try adding a few drops to some distilled water or witch-hazel for a cooling spritzer on warm days.

Helichrysum Gymnocephalum is perfect for the diffuser. Strengthen the breath, release the past and bring life to the present with this invigorating essential oil.  

Fir Needle Essential Oil is one of our favorite ways to bring the forest into the home. Airborne viruses and bacteria don’t stand a chance! You may also find the respiratory relief you didn’t know you needed. Try it in your cleaner, diffuser, or add a drop to a bowl of hot water for a clearing steam.

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